Tuesday, January 2, 2007

$47 Spent Today -- Can 2007 Start Tomorrow??

It's been a rough day. Our 13 year old lab had to be put to sleep this morning. She had kidney failure over the weekend while we were out of town (she was with us). This morning my husband took her into the vet and putting her down was really the only and best option. With the exception of my 5 year old, who really hasn't grasped the situation, we're all taking it really hard. She had started slowing down this year but we hoped she had another year in her. Thankfully she wasn't sick long. On Saturday is when we realized that things were not right and she handled everything with grace. With our trip to the vet, I obviously didn't stay within my $40 budget, so the expenses related to that came directly out of savings and aren't being counted towards my allowance.

We did pretty good for the rest of the day all things considered. While my husband was at the vet, I took the boys out for donuts ($12.50), we had to buy crickets for our frog ($2.50), groceries (19.86) and I gave the boys their allowance ($8 for my 8 year old and $5 for the 5 year old). So...that's just under $47.

We've never done allowances before and I decided to start this year since I'm working to stay within my own allowance. I have always had a hard time saying NO to them because the things they want are after school snacks and video game rentals. Things that are $1 here and $8 there but all add up at the end of the month. So they'll use their allowance for these things.

I still have the AMEX but used cash all day today. Tomorrow things should be a little more "normal" and I can make my swap...cash allowance for the AMEX.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$47 is pretty good! Keep it up!